
Please make sure that you have read through the web-page before signing up. We would like you to read through this participant contract:

Participant Contract:

Here is a list of things we need you to be okay with to play the larp:

  • The young generation being treated as puppets, and perhaps made to do things that they in-game don’t want.
  • That it is perfectly alright for cousins to marry.
  • Violence and sexual violence will be present, especially within the marriages, but of course you as a player always choose what you participate in.
  • That you might not be able to choose a happy ending for your character.
  • That you will play the character you are assigned, and to check in with the organisers if you want to make any major changes.
  • To follow the rules of conduct at the larp and treat the organisers and team with respect.
  • To use the meta techniques unless you and the other player have decided something different off-game.
  • That you might witness slapping, real kissing, partial undress and realistic-looking meta techniques for sexual actions.
  • For Downstairs: that you will make sure to not over-exert yourself, and to tell the crew or organizers if you are overwhelmed with your workload.
  • To adhere to the vision of the larp.

Of course, you always choose what scenes you want to participate in and can always make use of the meta techniques to leave a scene.

The first round of sign-ups is over, but you can sign up for the waiting list here!